Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's one of those days again.. Argh

But a few good things happened:
1. Met up with Bill from the Dancefloor today in my school. We're collaborating with him and South-west CDC for a production on the 21st July. He's a really friendly guy.

2. Found a 10 cent coin at the bus-stop. I know, it's only 10 cent, still its money!

3. Apple is back from thailand. I'm gona meet up with my future sis in-law for dinner on Tuesday with Uncle Ali. Its amazing how he hooked up with her in 2 weeks when he's always telling me, he sees no good from going into relationships. He had instilled that thought in me for the past 7 years. Well, of course I'm extremely happy for him and Apple seems to be really nice and pretty. Prettier than Ning to say.. ha~

She's a uni grad but earning very much less in thailand. Well, thank God for the poor economy in thailand that she's gota be here and got to know my kor. I can't wait to attend his wedding!! =D

Next week is the start of school holidays. Part of me is looking forward to it and another part is just, nonchalant. Looking forward to my short break with my darling in bangkok. Not looking forward to meeting *Rose (*name has been changed to protect myself). He's a pain in the ass.

My colleagues around are all telling me demoralising stuff. Its giving me negative thoughts about being a teacher. Old methods doesn't work anymore. P keeps telling us that. We're always changing methods to try to engage the students. But what he doesn't quite see is the effort we put in. No results can be seen because the foundation is just not there for their level. We have the cover the syllabus, and at the same time, drill on their basics. I don't know how my teachers managed.

I'm still trying. I'm not going to give up. The reason why I joined teaching in the first place is because of the love for coaching sports. I love maths and it was easy for me to understand. P is right, our students are more visual now. Its not like how we learn, where everything is audio and it goes in almost instantly.

Hereby, I would like to pay tribute to all my teachers who taught me once, even the relief teachers. I love you all and I take my hats off you. You guys really mould me and make me become who I am today. (Its a good thing..) Even my ex P from my primary school. He's the best P who interacts so much with the students and even the teachers in my school agree with me.

"Our little time of suffering is not worthy of our first night's welcome home to Heaven."
- Samuel Rutherford

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